We had a wonderful visit this time around and I was able to see, even if only for a brief visit, almost everyone I wanted to see. Miles went to MANY a Ladies Lunch while Ava enjoyed lots of relaxation and Oma time!
Even though it was extremely, especially for these Minnesotans, hot outside the pool was freezing cold. Miles tried to take dip but that was bust; Ava, however jumped right in and swam with the mermaids!
It also happened to be Easter and we had a great time dying eggs and celebrating with the family. Ava had a bit of a rough time at the Neely Easter gathering when she fell and cut her knee and then fell off the play house, but she picked herself up and hunted those eggs! And of course, we had a great time at Uncle Allen's place. Ava even got to wear her new high heel shoes which was possibly the most exciting part of the day for her!
Yay!! Great blog. We miss you all!